Sister's Conference
They had the great opportunity of gathering together as sisters of the mission for a spiritually uplifting day. They were able to hear experiences from each other that helped strengthen their testimonies. Sister Santos made a presentation that was divided into three separate parts that helped them understand their role as representatives of Jesus Christ and the important role that personal appearnce plays as a sister missionary. They learned the value of developing and sharing their talents. A few sisters were asked to demonstrate their talents such as singing and playing the piano. They enjoyed delicious food, took many pictures, and left with a renewed excitement for missionary work.
(by a Sister from the Guayaquil West Mission)
Conferencia de Hermanas
Las Hermanas tuvieron la gran oportunidad de reunirse como hermanas de la misión por un día muy espiritual. Pudieron escuchar experiencias de las otras misioneras que les ayudaron fortalecer sus testimonios. Hermana Santos hizo una presentación que fue dividido en tres diferentes partes que nos ayudaron a entender nuestro papel como representantes de Jesucristo y la importancia que tiene su apariencia personal como una hermana misionera. Aprendieron el valor de desarrollar y compartir sus talentos. Algunas hermanas compartieron sus talentos tal como cantar y tocar el piano. Disfrutaron comida deliciosa, tomaron muchas fotos, y salieron con ánimos recargadas para la obra misional.
(Por una hermana de la Mision Guayaquil Oeste)
(Por una hermana de la Mision Guayaquil Oeste)